Non-Verbal Communication In France

is non-verbal communication

Have you ever realized how we wave our hands in odd directions when we are explaining something?

How we scrunch up our faces when we taste something of a different palette?

What about how our mothers place their hands on each side of their waist whenever they instruct us to do something?

Little do we realize, but all of us practice all these little habit which plays a really important role in daily conversations. Be it informal or formal. It is more effective than a speech, just like how the saying goes, "Action Speaks Louder Than Words."

All these absent-minded movements and gestures are wordless communication, and in fancy terms it would be Non-Verbal Communication.

So, what is the significance of non-verbal communication in France

Sit back, relax and let us enlighten you.

of non-verbal communication.

There are various types of non-verbal communication that are commonly practiced in France. The following cues the many different types of non-verbal communication that both you & I engage in absent-mindedly. 


Kissing :

In France, it is widely practiced for one to greet another with a kiss on the cheek. The French trade our regular hello and goodbyes handshakes to kisses on both cheeks. It is a norm to start off with the right cheek, and often there isn't a lip-to-cheek contact. 

Hand Movements :

In France, there are several hand movements that are oftenly used. Let the pictures do the talking.

The commonly used "OK" sign in America means the number ZERO in France.

For counting purposes, the thumb is the first counter and the index finger is two, followed by the middle finger which is three et cetera. 

By holding up a fist and holding up in front of the nose indicates that someone is drunk.

Using your index finger to pull the skin under your eye signifies, "I don't believe you." 

                                                                    And this,

                     means "Okay." 


In France, it is very important to sit up & stand up straight. Children are constantly reminded to follow the procedures as it is known as a form of disrespect if one were to slouch.

Business Etiquette .. in France.